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Custom Wellness and Lifestyle Spending Accounts:

Take control of your company's wellness journey with our flexible and customizable plan.


Wellness Spending Accounts

Elevate your employee benefits package by adding a personalized touch to prioritize their well- being.  With our comprehensive program, you'll not only enhance your employees' health and wellness but also strengthen your company culture through a plan that aligns with your core values.

As a taxable benefit to employees, myWSA is completely custom for each individual business and their unique values and needs.  Eligible items for reimbursement could include fitness items, holistic practitioners, professional development courses, child daycare services, and more.


Powering employee needs with modern benefits:

A one-stop platform for employers and HR professionals

Custom Expenses

Add and remove items in real-time.

Real-time Reporting

Taxable benefit claim reports available in real-time.

Separate Funds

Provide an account for a single item alongside a general wellness allowance.

Support Centre

Access our live chat online and talk to an in-house representative 365 days a year. 

3rd Party Adjudication

Ensuring employee anonymity, myHSA handles adjudication of claims.

Admin Tools

Easy HRIS integration and freeze reimbursements at year-end 

Reward Employees

Reward employees with bonuses to their WSA.

Fast Reimbursement

Eligible claims are processed and reimbursed in one to three business days.


Get started with a WSA:

Support a diverse workforce with individualized health and wellness for employees, an attractive tool for employee retention and satisfaction.

Learn more about customizable wellness plans

Get started on offering flexible, custom benefits

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